Thursday 14 November 2013

Lifestyle vs. Quick fix

Many of us have tried quick fixes, gaining satisfaction for a limited period of time, only to find it didn’t last or were left feeling low and back to square one. The eternal search for something or someone to fix us can be a never ending experience, leading to low energy and empty promises. The truth is quick fixes do not work, if they did why would there be so many of them? 

Call me old fashioned but my preferred choice is to build my own bespoke lifestyle. Adding all the things I love to do into an uplifting, everyday experience that matches my needs. Don’t get me wrong, there have been some tragically hilarious quick fixes on my journey too, however I am now creating my lifestyle in progress. This concept excites me because it is unique, includes my work and all the basic root chakra needs, yet it is fresh and open to new opportunities.

Creating a unique lifestyle means sometimes you get things wrong, gaining awareness of the outcome and realising it is not for you. I remember being asked to leave my first chanting class because I couldn’t stop laughing. I also remember having a panic attack 15 metres below the sea in Sydney, doing my Padi with my brother in law. My classic ‘this lifestyle isn’t for me’ moment was being in a room full of people who told me what I do for a living was a load of shite. Yes, there have been some crackers over the years which have all been beneficial for my growth, leading me to this present moment, and opening me to find compassion. 

My chosen personal lifestyle approach is a holistic one. This means looking at myself as a whole person, including my mind, body, soul and emotions. I choose to honour my mind by quietening it through meditation and chanting. I do yoga and follow a healthy vegan diet to maintain my physical health. I embrace my soul by choosing a profession I love and reflects my natural talents. Listening to and engaging with my emotions, reflects my life choices back to me. I totally understand my lifestyle choice is not for everyone however, it works for me, and because of this I can offer the best part of me to my clients.

Releasing old soul choices and replacing them with new energy enhancing choices, is the ultimate soul revival. When there is a realization of this, it changes any outlook. 

Our life is like a blank canvas, adding as much colour and texture as we desire. How we choose to decorate that canvas reflects our choices, and the great thing about choices is they can change. Limitations only exist if we allow them to. 

Being stuck in a rut of quick fixes is not a pleasant experience. It is an energy drainer that can lead to low self esteem and negative behaviour. With this in mind, lets share some enlightenment and celebrate our choices. 

Take a moment to think of something you have really wanted to do but not made time for? 

It can be anything, we all have something. 

Ask yourself why you have not made time for it? 

What is the answer?

Are you going to change the answer?

Are you going to do it?

Being mindful or in the present moment of our own awareness, is essential for our growth. Asking simple questions and listening truthfully to the answers empowers us with choice. When there is mindfulness, we recognize negative or self limiting thoughts and can choose to replace them with warm positivity. Letting go and trusting in our choices will lead us on an authentic journey, creating a lifestyle that will ultimately meet our needs. 

‘Recognise the emotion. It will lead to wisdom. Embrace peace. Allow enlightenment’ 


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