Thursday 21 November 2013

Inside Out 7 week lifestyle program

Working with energy is my passion and has been for over 10 years. Delivering quick results and giving responsibility of the outcome to ourselves, working with energy opens us up to a new and unique lifestyle. If you are familiar with The Secret or The Law of Attraction, you will understand this concept and the power of meta physics. What we think, visualize or manifest, is made into form. In other words what we think we create. Where we direct our thoughts and energy, will determine the reality we experience. If we are thinking fantastic positive thoughts and raising our energetic vibration in the physical body, success will follow. Why? We are creating such a strong force field around our whole selves, negativity cannot touch it. Add love and self belief into the equation and BOOM, you are now operating on superhero status.

Feeling invincible comes from the inside, and shows on the outside. It creates a bright aura around us that shines so brightly, it will light up any room.

So how can we achieve this? Let me introduce my Inside Out 7 week lifestyle program. It is an energetic program that cleanses our main energy centres; the chakras. Adding personal transformation and energy efficiency, it offers us new direction. Some of you may have heard about chakras and others wonder what they are. We all have 7 main chakras in our physical body, each representing a life aspect. Because our chakras are energetic, everything we do and think affects them. Simply, we are what we feed our chakras. When we feed them positivity, they generate positive energy. When we feed them negativity they generate negative energy. Yes it’s the same old cliche about healthy living, but it works!

Healthy mind, body, soul and emotions = healthy chakras and life. 

Today's fast and unconscious toxic living affects our chakras, rendering them blocked and in default setting. Cleansing or detoxing our chakras, gives our life a spring clean from the Inside Out, unleashing abundant energy that helps us reach our full potential.

There are 7 main chakra principles; Abundance, Beauty, Strength, Love, Truth, Intuition and Peace.  Inside Out 7 week lifestyle program, looks at our relationship with these principles and how we consciously attract their energy into our life.

Abundance looks at our relationship with money, relationships, work and how we build strong foundations.
Beauty looks at our relationship with creativity, fun, sensuality and life libido.
Strength looks at our relationship with self esteem, self worth and willpower.
Love looks at our relationship with self love, compassion, forgiveness and kindness.
Truth looks at our relationship with communication, language and words we use.
Intuition looks at our relationship with trusting our instinct, clairvoyance, gut feelings and visions.
Peace looks at our relationship with stillness, self belief, tranquility and understanding.

7 chakras, 7 weeks of doing simple energetic tasks on a daily basis, that cleanse each chakra and allow pure essence to flow into our life.

This program offers us a magical experience, to be consciously aware of self limiting habits, then letting them go to embrace a healthier, more balanced lifestyle approach.

If you would like to embrace superhero energy, or simply like more details about the program please contact me here

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