Thursday 28 November 2013

Celebrating beauty in the sacral chakra

So many of us have hang ups about our beauty. It doesn’t matter if we are male or female, it affects many of us. How we physically look is a throw back and mixture of our family gene pool, which becomes our unique print. There is nothing we can do about our DNA and genetic make up, it is inherited. Being produced from our parents love for each other whether we were planned or not, is how we have been created. I’m sure that is something we don’t want to visualize too much, so lets just say our parents were celebrating their beauty and voila here we are. It’s a beautiful thing.

Natural beauty exists within our second chakra called the sacral chakra or svadhisthana, which means ‘sweetness’. This beautiful essence reflects our passions, desires, appetites for sex, food, beauty and creativity. It is the energy center of sweetness, making life worth living because too much work and no play makes life dull. Being playful, silly and adding fun will boost va va voom in any sacral. 

When we are balanced within our sacral chakra, we ignite our life libido allowing our beauty to shine through. Feelings of passion, excitement and laughter are felt within, and life is fun. Creative juices flow and we can give birth to new ideas, creative projects with ease and enthusiasm. With all this energy flying around we look alive, young, sexy and sparkling with happiness. Authentic beauty is an inside job. 

It is worthwhile knowing an unbalanced sacral can lack life libido, viewing life as half empty and unable to relate to others. It can also adopt a sex, drugs and rock n’ roll energy that can lead to addictions and a lack of satisfaction. The key to fantastic energy within our sacral chakra is balance. 

How do we balance our sacral chakra? Here are a few tips:
  • Do something creative everyday. 
  • Dance to your favourite music as much as possible.
  • Reveal your sensual side.
  • Build beauty around you, in your home and working environments.
  • Wear beautiful clothing that excites you.
  • Add colour into your wardrobe and life.
  • Chant the mantra ‘VAM.’
  • Get sexy creating a fantastic sex life.
  • Give yourself permission to have fun.
  • Eat your favourite food.
  • Be mindful of natural beauty around us.
  • Share your feelings with others.
  • Celebrate being beautiful you.

You are perfect exactly as you are, let your beauty shine brightly from within and remember do not compare yourself to others; a zebra can never be a giraffe.

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